The San Antonio Express-News is continuing its Matching Marketing fund created to help businesses and nonprofit communities advertise through the impacts of the pandemic and thus hardships faced in 2020 and 2021.
Express-News Launches 2022 Matching Marketing Fund Program
Nov 22, 2021 8:53:29 AM / by Sara Bryant posted in Marketing, Advertising, local advertising
6 Ways Advertising Within News is Beneficial for Your Brand
Nov 12, 2021 8:35:10 AM / by Shayla Brown posted in Marketing, Print, Advertising, Branding
According to a recent study from the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), brands benefit a great deal from advertising within news content. In fact, 84% of consumers feel advertising within the news increases or maintains brand trust. Here are 6 other findings from the research study that indicate how news adjacent advertising can positively impact your brand and business results.